AloePro 16oz (473ml) Organic Aloe Liquid




Our product, AloePro™, contains naturally occurring, active acemannan, a highly beneficial, naturally occurring polysaccharide. Monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides play a critical role in many aspects of human nutrition and health. The polysaccharides found in the Aloe vera inner leaf are characteristic components of the aloe plant and thus, can be used for identification of the authenticity and quality of the products derived from the Aloe vera plant. The mannoserich polysaccharide, acemannan, is predominately found in the inner leaf gel of aloe vera and is considered to be one of the most important compounds for nutrition and health.

Acemannan has been identified as the main active ingredient in the inner leaf gel. It is composed of mannose, glucose and galactose in a 31:1:1 ratio. These are counted among the eight important, essential monosaccharides critical to human health.

  • Liquid
  • Meets Our Bioresonance Criteria
  • No Added Stearates
  • Organic Ingredient (1 or more)
  • Pure Vegan