
James Bartley Interview

This week James Bartley is interviewed by Dean. James Bartley brings a wealth of knowledge about some of his alien experiences as well as, artificial intelligence, dream scape, manipulation, Silicon Valley and more. […] […]


Sachita Interview

Sachita has had many encounters with a particular faction of the reptilians. She is intimately familiar with the reptilian culture, how they think and why they behave the way they do. In the past she […]

Aliens & UFOs

Mary Joyce Interview

Mary Joyce worked for two major metropolitan area newspapers as a writer, columnist, artist, Sunday magazine editor and feature editor.  Mary Joyce has written and six books including Underground Military Bases Hidden in North Carolina […]

Hall of Records

Peter Moon Interview

 Peter Moon is primarily known for his investigation of space-time projects. These concern projects in the past, present and future that control both time and perception of time. Peter went out on his own in […]