Alien & UFO Sightings

David Wargon Unusual Phenomena Interview

David Wargon returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to talk about many of the inexplicable “Little Things” including encounters with orbs, ufos fairies and shadow beings which have happened to him over the years, some of which are quite remarkable. In Part 2 of David Wargon’s interview David discusses a wide variety of topics including unusual phenomena, the DEW “Wildfires” and much more. […]

Alien Abductions

Mike Clelland Intervew

Mike Clelland,Accounts of Owls, UFOs and a Deeper Reality,” discusses his ET Experiences and how they led to the realization that Owls figure prominently in the lives of many Alien Abductees. Owls also represent a Hidden Reality and sometimes manifest themselves in a synchronistic way. This Hidden Reality is all around us and sometimes it manifest itself to us in startling and mystical ways. […]

Area 51

James Bartley Commentary 54

James Bartley discusses the appointment of John Bolton as National Security Advisor and what “the Salvador Option” means. James also talks about the implications of the possible appointment of Admiral Scott Stearney as Commander of the 5th Fleet in the Persian Gulf and recent military training in the Mediterranean. […]

Alien & UFO Sightings

Gary Heseltine Interview

Veteran UFO Investigator Gary Heseltine discusses UFO sightings by Police in the UK. Gary has a background in Law Enforcement and during his time in the Royal Air Force provided security for Nuclear Weapons […]


James Bartley Commentary 35

James Bartley wades into the circus sideshow cesspool which is the modern day Milab Research Field. James contrast the investigations being done decades ago when Military Abductions were first recognized as a legitimate area of concern and how it has degenerated into a circus sideshow act. […]


James Bartley Commentary 32

About James Bartley James Bartley has researched Alien Abductions, Reptilian Abductions and Military Abductions for over twenty five years. James Bartley discusses Milab Survival from the standpoint of future upheavals such as civil war or […]

No Picture

Paul Blake Smith Interview

Paul was born in Cape Girardeau’s Southeast Hospital, raised in town, and educated by the Cape public school system. He was a four-year Mass Communications Major with an English Minor at Southeast Missouri State University. […]

Aliens & UFOs

Mary Joyce Interview

Mary Joyce worked for two major metropolitan area newspapers as a writer, columnist, artist, Sunday magazine editor and feature editor.  Mary Joyce has written and six books including Underground Military Bases Hidden in North Carolina […]

Alien Abductions

James Bartley Commentary 11

About James Bartley   James Bartley has researched Alien Abductions, Reptilian Abductions and Military Abductions for over twenty five years. Summary  James Bartley discusses ETs. The Lizards are swarming. What it means to be boots […]