Big Foot

Eric Altman Sasquatch Researcher Interview

Veteran Sasquatch Researcher Eric Altman joins us on The Cosmic Switchboard Show to talk about his “Voyage of Discovery” which led him ultimately to become one of the most respected Cryptozoologist in the field. Eric talks about his meeting as a thirteen year old with legendary Cryptozoologist and UFO Researcher Stan Gordon and how over time Stan became a Mentor to Eric. […]


Logan Lucid Dreaming ETs Underground Bases

Logan is a Milab, ET Abductee, Lucid Dreamer and Alternate Reality/Timeline “Jumper.” In Part 1 Logan talks about his efforts to refine his lucid dreaming technique and how development of this skill enabled him to remember his dreams, alter the outcome of dreams and have better recall of some of his Milab and Alternate Reality Experiences. […]


Gary Heseltine Caple Green

Gary Heseltine returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to discuss the upcoming documentary about the Rendlesham Forest events also known as Bentwaters. This documentary will highlight Larry Warren’s role in the fourth night of events as well as the testimony of new witnesses who have come forward. The trolls and disinformation artists are foaming at the mouth but they cannot stop “Caple Green Rising.” […]

Aliens & UFOs

Steve Mera The Phenomena Project

Steve Mera discusses The Phenomena Project with Psychic Donald Philips. Steve also discusses the mystical, metaphyiscal aspects of UFOs, Portals, Stargates and a variety of other subjects. This is a very informative interview by one of the world’s leading authorities on the Paranormal. […]

Alien & UFO Sightings

Paul Sinclair Bempton Interview

Paul Sinclair returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to discuss the High Strangeness at Bempton Yorkshire. Strange Animal Deaths, Cryptids, UFO Sightings, Missing Persons and a Deep Black American Military Presence are part and parcel of what goes on in Bempton. In Part 2 Paul Sinclair talks about the numerous cases of people who have disappeared in Bempton. This is a story that has not been covered by local, national or international media. […]