The Magelion’s Commentary #1 The Coherent Space
Liz the Magelion returns to The Cosmic Switchboard for her first commentary.
In part one, Liz discusses the multi-layered dynamics of healing from trauma and how knowing thyself is a continual reintegration process, in which she discovers deeper truths about herself. She reveals how workplace trauma uncovered previously hidden memories of childhood trauma which resurfaced to be processed and healed. Liz has faced life with complex PTSD. Liz illustrates the importance of responding with coherence verus reacting with incoherence and how coming to a neutral space enables one to master their energy and intuitive knowledge. Liz also discusses the importance of maintaining this neutral energetic frequency especially in our current societal climate. Liz describes how unhealed patterns repeat in our lives and how she started to notice, shift, and break them. […]