
Aliens and the Transformation of Humanity In Conversation with Pierre Sabak

Pierre Sabak discusses with James Bartley his early experiences with the ‘paranormal’, which covers a range of phenomenon including a spiritual awakening and non-human contact. An expert in the subject of military abductions and their correlation to reptilian and humanoid beings, Bartley speaks of his personal involvment investigating these creatures and his physical interaction with such entities. […]


Pleiadian Origins of Humanity – Bruce Fenton Interview

Bruce Fenton, author of Ancient Aliens of Australia: Pleiadian Origins of Humanity, discusses his past life memories as being a crew member of a large crystalline vessel from a higher dimension which entered our galaxy via a large Stargate in the Pleaides system. This craft carried fifty thousand beings of various species and cultures. They travelled to Earth to negotiate a settlement with the Draco Orion Empire so the latter would vacate the Earth and never return. The Draco Orions at the behest of the Draco Queen and her Advisors, double crossed the Pleiadians and blew the crystalline ship apart. Bruce escaped with others in a saucer shaped craft. About a hundred ET survivors wound up in the Eastern Shores of Australia and decided to start a genetic engineering program involving hominids created by the Draco as a slave race. Bruce’s wife, Daniella Fenton, wrote “Hybrid Humans: Scientific Evidence of Our 800,000 Year Old Alien Legacy.
The “Revenge Mission” of the Leonines which resulted in the latter sending a barrage of asteroids upon the Earth for the express purpose of destroying surface and subsurface Draco Orion Bases. This resulted in worldwide geological cataclysms. […]