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James Bartley Commentary 28

About James Bartley James Bartley has researched Alien Abductions, Reptilian Abductions and Military Abductions for over twenty five years. James Bartley discusses the symbology behind Rapper DRAKE’s song Gyalchester and the terrorism event in Manchester […]


James Bartley Commentary 17

About James Bartley James Bartley has researched Alien Abductions, Reptilian Abductions and Military Abductions for over twenty five years. Summary In this week’s segment of Bartley’s Commentaries on the Cosmic Wars, James discusses the longtime […]

Artificial Intelligence

Bernhard Guenther Interview

Growing up in Munich, Germany, Bernhard moved to California in 1994 to study drums and percussion at the ‘Percussion Institute of Technology’ (PIT), Los Angeles. His exploration into rhythm and music became a journey of self-discovery and […]

Alien Abductions

Jolene Seebacher Interview

Jolene JoJo Seebacher of Spiritual Life Journeys is a certified licensed spiritual counselor and teacher specializing in helping targeted individuals, program-project survivors, experiencers including experiences of the love bite, SRA victims, and the newly awakened.Born […]