
Commentary on Soul Hijacking and Reincarnation

James Bartley discusses “The Hijack” wherein Higher Dimensional Souls embodied in higher dimensional beings, were essentially hijacked and pulled down into this dimension first to have incarnations in other star systems eventually to be dropped off on Earth to go through the Karmic Cycle and the Past Life Memory Wipes for purposes of Loosh Nourishment for Archontic Beings. […]


Crystal Therapy Healing

Liz, The Magelion, talks about healing from Childhood Abuse, Detaching from the PsychiatricTyranny, recognising False Healing Modalities and practicing Discernment.
Liz developed her own remote crystal therapy which she refers to as “Distance Crystal Therapy Sessions. Liz is a close colleague of James Bartley.
In Part 2, Liz, the Magelion, a close colleague of James Bartley, talks about what she learned about Ascended Masters, Guides and Angels and how so many of the latter are “fronts” for manipulating deceptive entities, some of which strive to trick people into performing dark magick and using predatory intentions upon others. This is a MUST LISTEN segment for those who are coming to grips with the unseen worlds. […]

5 Sense Conspiracy

The Space Cowboys

Randy talks about how Wilcock was heavily influenced by Carla Rueckert’s “Law of One” and “Ra Material” channellings and this in part formed the basis of Corey Goode’s Blue Avians narrative.

In Part 2 Randy discusses “the Saviour Program” which many self appointed Gurus are pushing and how it ties into the Bogus Disclosure/Secret Space Program narrative..

Alien & UFO Sightings

The Stick Structures

LeeAnn Carnegie, a Sasquatch Investigator specialising in recording vocalisations and locating Sasquatch Stick Structures, talks about her two Sasquatch encounters, an amazing UFO sighting, her ability to dream herself into other times and places and the various and sundry ways particular Sasquatch Tribes have welcomed her into their world. LeeAnn Carnegie’s YouTube Channel is: Southern Ontario Sasquatch. LeeAnn Carnegie is a colleague of veteran Sasquatch Investigator Mike Paterson.
In Part 2 LeeAnn Carnegie discusses her theories on what the Stick Structures created by the Sasquatch represent. She also talks about a Sasquatch/UFO experience she had with a fellow Sasquatch Investigator in Utah. LeeAnn also shares a remarkable story of how large marbles owned by fellow Sasquatch investigator Mike Paterson came into LeeAnn’s possession even though Mike and LeeAnn live in different parts of Ontario and the role the Sasquatch played in it.


Asherah Interview

Asherah, a Leonine Human Hybrid and Milab, discusses her Time Slip and Timeline Merging Experiences growing up in the East Coats of the USA. In Part 2 Asherah talks about her cat which was actually a Leonine Humanoid Watcher tasked with watching over Asherah. Asherah also talks about two key UFO sightings one of which had radical physiological effects on her. Asherah also talks about her many Milab experiences. […]


James Bartley: Weather Weapons Commentary

In this year end edition of Bartley’s Commentaries on the Cosmic Wars, James Bartley discusses the “Cauliflower Hailstorm” weather weapon attack, Putin’s “Put up or Shut up” Moment, the nomination of career criminal William Barr as Attorney General and the long awaited European Uprising. […]

Alien & UFO Sightings

Natural Original Awareness versus A.I. Eve Lorgen Interview

Eve Lorgen of and returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to talk about a recent article by her colleague Maarit, a Female Milab from Scandinavia. Eve discusses the “Natural Original Awareness” versus the Demiurge A.I. in Maarit’s article. In Part 2 Eve Lorgen discusses more aspects of the Demiurge A.I. Control System as wellas The Alien Love Bite/Drama of the Love Obsession. […]


James Bartley Commentary 50

James Bartley discusses the Media and Authorities “gaslighting” society when it tries to make us think there is no Immigrant Crime Wave even though the proof is all around us. James also talks about “self loathing” Germans and the amazing double standard when it comes to immigration. […]


James Bartley Commentary 49

James Bartley talks about how “Being Offended” has become an end unto itself and has become weaponized. James discusses the quick turnaround time which has made it possible for so called “academics” to start pushing sex education, transgender studies” etc in elementary schools in the wake of the Same Sex Marriage Vote. The Safe Schools (paedo agenda) and “The Mature Minor” promoted by various governments in the Western World are also discussed […]


Bartleys Commentary 48

James Bartley discusses the Bottomless Swamp and Donald Trump’s role as the Figurehead, Gofer and Lightning Rod of Controversy and focal point for Civil War. James discusses the impending appointments to the Trump Administration which leaves one in no doubt that the Swamp is bottomless and will only get bigger with time. James also discusses the fake Missile Shield, Fethulah Gulen and his Charter Schools and much more. […]