
Dhayaphim Interview

Dhayaphim, an East European, talks about how she was activated to start doing energy work and start utilizing her metaphysical powers. Dhayaphim has seen vortexes and energy fields appear and connect her to Source. She has had encounters with various entities including reptilians and has had encounters with deep black elements of the Military. She describes an experience when she rescued people who were captured by reptilians. […]


Charmaine DRozario Interview

Charmaine is a ET human hybrid, Mantis, Lion being but mostly Reptilian. She has always had ET experiences and abductions and also spiritual and paranormal phenomena occur around her. She has also had negative encounters […]

Alien & UFO Sightings

Craig Bowers Interview

Craig Bowers, a long time colleague of James Bartley and veteran of many UFO field investigations in the Southwest Desert of the USA, talks about some of his many experiences including parallel reality “bleedthrough” experiences involving a race of grey skinned jagged tooth beings that for a time would interfere in his life and his friends life. […]