
Soratic Transhumanism Spirits & Healing Toxic Shame

Bernhard Guenther returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to discuss the work of Thomas Mayer who wrote “Corona Vaccines from the Spiritual Perspective: Consequences on Soul and Spirit and the Life After Death.”Thomas Mayer warns about the very real spiritual dangers these Fake Vaccines pose. Colleagues of Mayer’s in the Energetic Healing Field have noted there is a negative spiritul entity aspect to the fake vaccines. In short the vaccines not only cause physical damage to the Human Body, they provide the means for literal negative “Soratic” entities to be injected into a person’s body. This is a profoundly disturbing revelation. […]


James Bartley – In Other News Radio

Guest – James Bartley has been researching these topics for twenty five years. He’s a protege of legendary alien abduction researcher Barbara Bartholic of Tulsa Oklahoma. James has spent years conducting paranormal field investigations in California’s High Desert. He’s an independent historian with emphasis on military history. He’s given many lectures on his research worldwide and he hosts the podcast Cosmic Switchboard. James co-facilitated support groups for Alien Abductees and Military Abductees […]


Jordan Maxwell Interview

Jordan Maxwell talks about the nature of control here on Planet Earth. In response to a question about covert non-human control Jordan discusses the ways and means in which humans are essentially tagged from birth and turned into a corporate entity by this Matrix of Control. Note the similarity to the late great Charles Fort’s summation that Humans are unaware they are being farmed and domesticated. […]


The Last Transmission – The Reptilian Overlordship

James Bartley has been researching Alien Abductions and the Military/Aerospace Connection to UFOs, for over twenty five years. Over the years James has become one of a handful of researchers that specializes in the Taboo subject of the Serpent race or as he has dubbed it, The Reptilian Overlordship. For far too long, alien abduction researchers have focused almost exclusively on the entities known as “the Greys” and it has left a huge void in alien abduction/UFO research. Throughout the ages reptilians have been described by many names, they have been influencing human society throughout history in a covert and malicious manner! […]