No Picture

Paul Blake Smith Interview

Paul was born in Cape Girardeau’s Southeast Hospital, raised in town, and educated by the Cape public school system. He was a four-year Mass Communications Major with an English Minor at Southeast Missouri State University. […]


Wolfhawk Interview

About Wolfhawk: Wolfhawk is a certified nutritional consultant that has studied many systems of healing. Wolfhawk puts the knowledge obtained from isolated systems together to create a comprehensive system of healing that includes knowledge from […]

Aliens & UFOs

Mary Joyce Interview

Mary Joyce worked for two major metropolitan area newspapers as a writer, columnist, artist, Sunday magazine editor and feature editor.  Mary Joyce has written and six books including Underground Military Bases Hidden in North Carolina […]


Neal Kruse Interview

Born in Carmel-by-the-Sea in year 1950, Neal received his BA Degree in Humanistic Psychology from Sonoma State University and promptly proceeded to fall head over heels in love with architecture. No Universities would let him […]

Artificial Intelligence

Bernhard Guenther Interview

Growing up in Munich, Germany, Bernhard moved to California in 1994 to study drums and percussion at the ‘Percussion Institute of Technology’ (PIT), Los Angeles. His exploration into rhythm and music became a journey of self-discovery and […]

Hall of Records

Peter Moon Interview

 Peter Moon is primarily known for his investigation of space-time projects. These concern projects in the past, present and future that control both time and perception of time. Peter went out on his own in […]

Depopulation Agenda

Peter Little Interview

Peter Little, an Attorney and Health Politics Advocate, discusses the Pharma Cartel control over Medicine in Australia. Peter talks about how Australian Skeptics Leader Dr. Ken Harvey trains undergraduates to scrutinize the websites of Naturopaths […]

Alien Abductions

Jolene Seebacher Interview

Jolene JoJo Seebacher of Spiritual Life Journeys is a certified licensed spiritual counselor and teacher specializing in helping targeted individuals, program-project survivors, experiencers including experiences of the love bite, SRA victims, and the newly awakened.Born […]