Alien Abductions

Mat R Interview & James Bartley Rep Talk

James talks about training in James Bartley discusses the training reptilians give to human abductees. James Bartley also talks about the militarisation of Law Enforcement, the bogus War on Drugs, the expansion of NATO, the cross training of National Guard troops with Foreign Troops in Crowd Control and quelling Food Riots, the Immigration Agenda and how it all ties into the training of abductees by reptilians. Its where the surface level world meets with the deep black alien world. Matt R. has had reptilian experiences. He has been trained by reptilians in crowd control and riot control in a shopping mall in Louisiana. […]


James Bartley Inteview Milab Ops

James Bartley is interviewed about the various types of Training abductees and milabs receive. James discusses the differences between training given by ETs, by the Military and training which is set up by our higher selves. James also discusses various forms of alien manipulation including stage managed dreams. […]

Alien & UFO Sightings

Bob Luca Interview

In 1978, Bob Luca was told by the Elders, “You do not die…” While his wife and he experienced the Alien beings firsthand in multiple abductions. Bob and Betty endured the government’s harassment and extreme invasion into their private lives which started with yearly audits by the IRS that were beyond a doubt a form of harassment. […]

Big Foot

Andrew McGrath Cryptozoology Interview

At night, outside of the busy cities and next to the unlit lakes and lonely mountains it is an island in darkness, where nobody ventures into the woods anymore and the pervading paradigm scares all but the most fool hardy scientists way from any serious investigation of the many yet to be discovered – Beasts Of Britain. […]

Alien Abductions

Bret Oldham Interview

Bret Oldham talks about how some abductees develop Psi Abilities as the result of their ET Encounters. Bret also talks about Post Abduction Syndrome, the Mass Hybridization Program and the Sexual Manipulation of Alien Abductees. In Part 2 Bret elaborates on the Hybridization Program, the Emotional Manipulation, Sexual Manipulation and also discusses the Reptilians. […]


Lorena Interview Reptilians and Military Bases

Lorena, a Milab and Reptilian Abductee from the High Desert of Southern California, talks about her reptilian and milab experiences. Lorena had encounters with immature reptoids as well as full grown reptilians. Lorena was taken inside of a military underground base. She was shown three different levels of this base. […]


Stone Hobbit Frequency War Interview

Stone Hobbit returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to discuss the various and sundry ways the control system seeks to keep people from realizing their true potential and from attaining greater conscious awareness. Stone Hobbit is a survivor of SRA and has had numerous ET contacts and experiences with Elementals. She has witnessed UFOs on many occasions. […]


Scott Torrance Remote Viewing – Interview

Scott Torrance is a natural born Clairvoyant and Remote Viewer. In Part 1 Scott talks about how premonitions saved his life and how he learned to fly in his dreams. In Part 2 Scott Torrance talks about how he applied Remote Viewing in his life. He talks about what the Remote Viewer is taught to feel and sense when he has bilocated to a target area. […]


Sachita Interview Reptilian Military Ops

Sachita returns to The Cosmic Switchboard to discuss the Milab Ops she has undertaken on behalf of a certain faction of the Reptilians. Some of these tasks involved assassinations and travel into the Future and back. Sachitatalks about Teleportation, Underground Bases, infiltration of high level reptilian meetings and much more. […]