Alien & UFO Sightings

Paul Sinclair Bempton Interview

Paul Sinclair returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to discuss the High Strangeness at Bempton Yorkshire. Strange Animal Deaths, Cryptids, UFO Sightings, Missing Persons and a Deep Black American Military Presence are part and parcel of what goes on in Bempton. In Part 2 Paul Sinclair talks about the numerous cases of people who have disappeared in Bempton. This is a story that has not been covered by local, national or international media. […]


Larry Warren Lecture

  Larry Warren, the only eyewitness whistleblower who has talked about what really happened at the Rendlesham Forest otherwise known as RAF Bentwaters in late December 1980. In this seminal lecture from the early 1990s, […]

Alien & UFO Sightings

David Wargon Unusual Phenomena Interview

David Wargon returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to talk about many of the inexplicable “Little Things” including encounters with orbs, ufos fairies and shadow beings which have happened to him over the years, some of which are quite remarkable. In Part 2 of David Wargon’s interview David discusses a wide variety of topics including unusual phenomena, the DEW “Wildfires” and much more. […]


Jorge Martin Interview

From a lecture in the late 1990s the great Puerto Rican UFO Investigator talks about the Chupacabaras, UFOs and Military Connection I Puerto Rico. Full Interview – Members Only: To Download Use the link under […]


Joseph Farrell Interview

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell talks about The Cosmic War involving what amounted to a Civil War between “Gods” which in actual fact were a race of highly advanced Extraterrestrials. The ETs fought over an advanced weapons system that had Planet Busting Capabilities. In Part 1 Dr. Farrell talks about the basis for his thesis that long ago a cosmic interplanetary war occurred as well as Scalar Waves, Quantum Mechanics, Faster than Light, Ancient Texts and The War of Gods. […]


Mary Anne Fisher Interview

As an empath and intuitive, Mary Anne’s journey of awakening began in early childhood. In 1996, she became aware of and began further developing the ability to energetically facilitate her body’s self-healing capacities which set […]


Jerry Marzinsky Behind Dark Thoughts

Jerry Marzinsky returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to discuss what he knows about the malign influence exerted by the Dark Entities behind the Intrusive Thoughts. These entities manifest an astonishing amount of understanding and insight into the past and present life of the people they are manipulating. […]