
Coronavirus Commentary

James Bartley discusses the Mega Over-Reaction to the alleged Coronavirus, the Shelter in Place in San Francisco, the shutdown of activity in Las Vegas and many other places. “Self Isolation,” “Social Distancing” and other measures are being enacted to ensure people mistrust one another. The Artificial Scarcity Sydnrome has been unleashed which has resulted in mass panic buying. […]


New Decade Commentary

James Bartley discusses the role of Cybereason, an Israeli Tech Company made up mostly of “ex” Unit 8200, the elite Israeli Military Intelligence Cyber Hacking unit which has been likened to the Israeli version of […]


Commentary on Soul Hijacking and Reincarnation

James Bartley discusses “The Hijack” wherein Higher Dimensional Souls embodied in higher dimensional beings, were essentially hijacked and pulled down into this dimension first to have incarnations in other star systems eventually to be dropped off on Earth to go through the Karmic Cycle and the Past Life Memory Wipes for purposes of Loosh Nourishment for Archontic Beings. […]


James Bartley: Weather Weapons Commentary

In this year end edition of Bartley’s Commentaries on the Cosmic Wars, James Bartley discusses the “Cauliflower Hailstorm” weather weapon attack, Putin’s “Put up or Shut up” Moment, the nomination of career criminal William Barr as Attorney General and the long awaited European Uprising. […]


James Bartley Commentary Zombie Apocalypse

James Bartley discusses how a Zombie Apocalypse may transpire…the mechanics and inner dynamics drawing upon historical examples of cannibalism and germ warfare. James Bartley continues his discussion about a possible Zombie Apocalypse and how the Flakka Zombie Drug is just the first step. […]