Bringing Resolution and Balance Between the Reptilians and Humans
It was not until I was 52 years old that I received an answer as to why my life was filled with intense experiences and drama beyond the ‘norm’. I had a soul reading which […]
It was not until I was 52 years old that I received an answer as to why my life was filled with intense experiences and drama beyond the ‘norm’. I had a soul reading which […]
Derek Tyler discusses the hidden alien agenda, manipulation of human genetics, ufo sightings, the purchase of alien captives, the killing of a friendly alien ambassador, the alliance with hostile aliens, military abductions, time travel, removal […]
Andrew discusses The Gorebridge Scotland UFO Hotspot, The Fallkirk Triangle where many strange events are reported, Theosophy and the parallels between Fairy abductions of the past and modern alien abduction reports in the present. In […]
Being a MILAB was easy as a single person. I never had the worry of my experiences affecting another, until I had kids. That truly made things so difficult. How do I be in the […]
Robert is the author of “Close Encounters on Capitol Hill” and Covert Encounters in Washington, D.C.” On The Cosmic Switchboard Show, Robert discusses the Enki-Luciferian Agenda, Artificial Intelligence, UFO-ET Activity in Southern California and the […]
Milab Operations PDF By James Bartley, ©2006 All Rights Reserved Milabs are legitimate alien abductees who are trained by elements of the deep black military to perform specific tasks. Some milabs have developed a dissociative […]
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