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Alien Abductions

KeithAZ Interview

KeithAZ is a Lyran Contactee and an Alien Abductee who has had encounters with Greys and Mantis Beings. KeithAZ is a musician and an electronic technician and is the co-host for the very popular Ground […]

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James Bartley Commentary 24

About James Bartley James Bartley has researched Alien Abductions, Reptilian Abductions and Military Abductions for over twenty five years. James Bartley discusses the Fake News about how three U.S. Carrier Battle Groups are converging on […]


David Dunger Interview

David Dunger, an IT Professional, podcaster, and UFO/ET Experiences who comes from a multigenerational family of Experiencers, discusses some of his experiences. On one occasion a doctor refused to remove an implant beneath the skin […]

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Alien Abductions

ManyFeathers Interview

Claircognizant, clairsentient, clairaudient, clairvoyant & a seer of Truth from birth, Mesheril’s Journey began as that of the reluctant Mystic. While she remembered her life purpose was that of being in service to humanity & […]


Sachita Interview

Sachita has had many encounters with a particular faction of the reptilians. She is intimately familiar with the reptilian culture, how they think and why they behave the way they do. In the past she […]