
Jerry Marzinsky Behind Dark Thoughts

Jerry Marzinsky returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to discuss what he knows about the malign influence exerted by the Dark Entities behind the Intrusive Thoughts. These entities manifest an astonishing amount of understanding and insight into the past and present life of the people they are manipulating. […]

Area 51

Bartleys Commentary 57

James Bartley discusses the importance of Discernment as a means to ward off Self Delusion and acceptance of nonsense from False Gurus. James rips apart fake “origin” stories being spewed by people on the internet as it relates to the NSA. PART 2 IS NOW UPLOADED […]

Alien Abductions

Mike Clelland Intervew

Mike Clelland,Accounts of Owls, UFOs and a Deeper Reality,” discusses his ET Experiences and how they led to the realization that Owls figure prominently in the lives of many Alien Abductees. Owls also represent a Hidden Reality and sometimes manifest themselves in a synchronistic way. This Hidden Reality is all around us and sometimes it manifest itself to us in startling and mystical ways. […]


Dhayaphim Interview

Dhayaphim, an East European, talks about how she was activated to start doing energy work and start utilizing her metaphysical powers. Dhayaphim has seen vortexes and energy fields appear and connect her to Source. She has had encounters with various entities including reptilians and has had encounters with deep black elements of the Military. She describes an experience when she rescued people who were captured by reptilians. […]


Charmaine DRozario Interview

Charmaine is a ET human hybrid, Mantis, Lion being but mostly Reptilian. She has always had ET experiences and abductions and also spiritual and paranormal phenomena occur around her. She has also had negative encounters […]

Area 51

James Bartley Commentary 54

James Bartley discusses the appointment of John Bolton as National Security Advisor and what “the Salvador Option” means. James also talks about the implications of the possible appointment of Admiral Scott Stearney as Commander of the 5th Fleet in the Persian Gulf and recent military training in the Mediterranean. […]


Lea Kapiteli Interview

Lea Kapiteli, Author, ET Contactee and Artist, talks about her ET experiences with a variety of different ETs. Lea was mentored by a higher dimensional ET who took her on an Astral Voyage to a planet in the Pleiades system. […]

Area 51

Jim Goodall Interview

Jim relates a fascinating discussion he had with Ben Rich shortly before Ben Rich died. Jim Goodall knew Bob Lazar personally in fact Jim knew Bob Lazar BEFORE Lazar joined the alien propulsion back engineering program at Papoose Lake/S4 […]

Alien & UFO Sightings

Gary Heseltine Interview

Veteran UFO Investigator Gary Heseltine discusses UFO sightings by Police in the UK. Gary has a background in Law Enforcement and during his time in the Royal Air Force provided security for Nuclear Weapons […]