Alien & UFO Sightings

Natural Original Awareness versus A.I. Eve Lorgen Interview

Eve Lorgen of and returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to talk about a recent article by her colleague Maarit, a Female Milab from Scandinavia. Eve discusses the “Natural Original Awareness” versus the Demiurge A.I. in Maarit’s article. In Part 2 Eve Lorgen discusses more aspects of the Demiurge A.I. Control System as wellas The Alien Love Bite/Drama of the Love Obsession. […]


Pleiadian Origins of Humanity – Bruce Fenton Interview

Bruce Fenton, author of Ancient Aliens of Australia: Pleiadian Origins of Humanity, discusses his past life memories as being a crew member of a large crystalline vessel from a higher dimension which entered our galaxy via a large Stargate in the Pleaides system. This craft carried fifty thousand beings of various species and cultures. They travelled to Earth to negotiate a settlement with the Draco Orion Empire so the latter would vacate the Earth and never return. The Draco Orions at the behest of the Draco Queen and her Advisors, double crossed the Pleiadians and blew the crystalline ship apart. Bruce escaped with others in a saucer shaped craft. About a hundred ET survivors wound up in the Eastern Shores of Australia and decided to start a genetic engineering program involving hominids created by the Draco as a slave race. Bruce’s wife, Daniella Fenton, wrote “Hybrid Humans: Scientific Evidence of Our 800,000 Year Old Alien Legacy.
The “Revenge Mission” of the Leonines which resulted in the latter sending a barrage of asteroids upon the Earth for the express purpose of destroying surface and subsurface Draco Orion Bases. This resulted in worldwide geological cataclysms. […]

Alien & UFO Sightings

David Wargon Unusual Phenomena Interview

David Wargon returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to talk about many of the inexplicable “Little Things” including encounters with orbs, ufos fairies and shadow beings which have happened to him over the years, some of which are quite remarkable. In Part 2 of David Wargon’s interview David discusses a wide variety of topics including unusual phenomena, the DEW “Wildfires” and much more. […]


Bartleys Commentary on Money

About James Bartley James Bartley has researched Alien Abductions, Reptilian Abductions and Military Abductions for over twenty five years. James Bartley discusses Water, its relation to financial currency and how Water within us and outside […]


Jerry Marzinsky Behind Dark Thoughts

Jerry Marzinsky returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to discuss what he knows about the malign influence exerted by the Dark Entities behind the Intrusive Thoughts. These entities manifest an astonishing amount of understanding and insight into the past and present life of the people they are manipulating. […]

Area 51

Bartleys Commentary 57

James Bartley discusses the importance of Discernment as a means to ward off Self Delusion and acceptance of nonsense from False Gurus. James rips apart fake “origin” stories being spewed by people on the internet as it relates to the NSA. PART 2 IS NOW UPLOADED […]