Alien Abductions

Robert Hulse Interview

Life Long Alien Abductee Robert Hulse discusses some of his experiences beginning at 2 years of age with Extraterrestrial and Interdimensional Beings. He describes a “Missing Time” experience when he was a boy when he and his sister were dropped off by ETs at the bottom of a headland next to the ocean and they had to climb up a sea cliff to get to safety. […]

Alien & UFO Sightings

Natural Original Awareness versus A.I. Eve Lorgen Interview

Eve Lorgen of and returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to talk about a recent article by her colleague Maarit, a Female Milab from Scandinavia. Eve discusses the “Natural Original Awareness” versus the Demiurge A.I. in Maarit’s article. In Part 2 Eve Lorgen discusses more aspects of the Demiurge A.I. Control System as wellas The Alien Love Bite/Drama of the Love Obsession. […]

Alien & UFO Sightings

David Wargon Unusual Phenomena Interview

David Wargon returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to talk about many of the inexplicable “Little Things” including encounters with orbs, ufos fairies and shadow beings which have happened to him over the years, some of which are quite remarkable. In Part 2 of David Wargon’s interview David discusses a wide variety of topics including unusual phenomena, the DEW “Wildfires” and much more. […]

Alien & UFO Sightings

Gary Heseltine Interview

Veteran UFO Investigator Gary Heseltine discusses UFO sightings by Police in the UK. Gary has a background in Law Enforcement and during his time in the Royal Air Force provided security for Nuclear Weapons […]