Alien Abductions

Mike Clelland Intervew

Mike Clelland,Accounts of Owls, UFOs and a Deeper Reality,” discusses his ET Experiences and how they led to the realization that Owls figure prominently in the lives of many Alien Abductees. Owls also represent a Hidden Reality and sometimes manifest themselves in a synchronistic way. This Hidden Reality is all around us and sometimes it manifest itself to us in startling and mystical ways. […]

Alien & UFO Sightings

Gary Heseltine Interview

Veteran UFO Investigator Gary Heseltine discusses UFO sightings by Police in the UK. Gary has a background in Law Enforcement and during his time in the Royal Air Force provided security for Nuclear Weapons […]

Alien Abductions

Pat Jackson Interview

Pat Jackson, an Andromedan and Arcturan Contactee, talks about her experiences with the Draco, Arcturans, Andromedans and other ETs. Pat worked as a psychic within Law Enforcement and came under increasing harassment because of the deep corruption she discovered within the department she worked in. […]

Alien Abductions

Bartleys Commentary on the Greys

James Bartley talks about the Grey Recyclable Container Agenda and the Grey Borg Hive Mind Agenda. In Part 2 James continues his discussion of the Grey Recyclable Container Agenda. James shares a story about a Grey Abduction involving a Law Enforcement Officer that involved altering the genetics of the officer and the outcome. […]

Alien Abductions

Mat R Interview & James Bartley Rep Talk

James talks about training in James Bartley discusses the training reptilians give to human abductees. James Bartley also talks about the militarisation of Law Enforcement, the bogus War on Drugs, the expansion of NATO, the cross training of National Guard troops with Foreign Troops in Crowd Control and quelling Food Riots, the Immigration Agenda and how it all ties into the training of abductees by reptilians. Its where the surface level world meets with the deep black alien world. Matt R. has had reptilian experiences. He has been trained by reptilians in crowd control and riot control in a shopping mall in Louisiana. […]

Alien & UFO Sightings

Bob Luca Interview

In 1978, Bob Luca was told by the Elders, “You do not die…” While his wife and he experienced the Alien beings firsthand in multiple abductions. Bob and Betty endured the government’s harassment and extreme invasion into their private lives which started with yearly audits by the IRS that were beyond a doubt a form of harassment. […]

Alien Abductions

Bret Oldham Interview

Bret Oldham talks about how some abductees develop Psi Abilities as the result of their ET Encounters. Bret also talks about Post Abduction Syndrome, the Mass Hybridization Program and the Sexual Manipulation of Alien Abductees. In Part 2 Bret elaborates on the Hybridization Program, the Emotional Manipulation, Sexual Manipulation and also discusses the Reptilians. […]

Alien Abductions

Milab Space Ops

About James Bartley James Bartley has researched Alien Abductions, Reptilian Abductions and Military Abductions for over twenty five years. In part 1 of James Bartley’s lecture at the Close Encounters Conference in Byron Bay Australia […]

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Alien Abductions

KeithAZ Interview

KeithAZ is a Lyran Contactee and an Alien Abductee who has had encounters with Greys and Mantis Beings. KeithAZ is a musician and an electronic technician and is the co-host for the very popular Ground […]