James Bartley: Weather Weapons Commentary

In this year end edition of Bartley’s Commentaries on the Cosmic Wars, James Bartley discusses the “Cauliflower Hailstorm” weather weapon attack, Putin’s “Put up or Shut up” Moment, the nomination of career criminal William Barr as Attorney General and the long awaited European Uprising. […]

Area 51

Bartleys Commentary 57

James Bartley discusses the importance of Discernment as a means to ward off Self Delusion and acceptance of nonsense from False Gurus. James rips apart fake “origin” stories being spewed by people on the internet as it relates to the NSA. PART 2 IS NOW UPLOADED […]


James Bartley commentary 55

In this edition of Bartley’s Commentaries on the Cosmic Wars, James discusses recent events in Syria, the hypocrisy of the Russian Cyber Hacking Accusations in light of the Edward Snowden Revelations back in 2012 and Astral Manipulation. In Part 2 James discusses the implications of Dhayaphim’s revelations and how they dovetail with the testimony of others who have had similar experiences. Dhayaphim is more than just a Milab..she is a Multidimensional Operative. James also discusses the work of Theoretical Physicist David Bohm. […]

Artificial Intelligence

James Bartley Commentary 47

James Bartley discusses the alleged Marine Corps attack on the CIA Headquarters of Langley. He also talks about the potential for a false flag or sabotage to be used as a pretext for war with Iran and the vulnerability of the U.S. Carrier Battle Groups in the Persian Gulf. James also talks about the Archontic Overlay behind the Transgender, A.I. and Depopulation Agenda which David Icke recently spoke about. […]


James Bartley Commentary 45

James Bartley talks about the False Flag Attack in Las Vegas, The U.S. going off the Gold Standard, the Petrodollar Recycling Scheme, the 1973 Yom Kippur War and much more. In Part 2 James Bartley discusses upcoming shows involving milabs and the subjects that will be discussed. James will bring a number of milabs to The Cosmic Switchboard Show as guests. […]


James Bartley Interview

This week James Bartley is interviewed by Dean. James Bartley brings a wealth of knowledge about some of his alien experiences as well as, artificial intelligence, dream scape, manipulation, Silicon Valley and more. […] […]

No Picture

James Bartley Commentary 28

About James Bartley James Bartley has researched Alien Abductions, Reptilian Abductions and Military Abductions for over twenty five years. James Bartley discusses the symbology behind Rapper DRAKE’s song Gyalchester and the terrorism event in Manchester […]


NSA Malware & Parasitic Entities

About James Bartley James Bartley has researched Alien Abductions, Reptilian Abductions and Military Abductions for over twenty five years. In this week’s edition of Bartley’s Commentaries on the Cosmic Wars, James discusses the WannaCry Randomware […]

No Picture

James Bartley Commentary 16

About James Bartley James Bartley has researched Alien Abductions, Reptilian Abductions and Military Abductions for over twenty five years. Summary James Bartley discusses “Feel Good” stories about the White Hats and Good ETs wiping out […]