
Sherry Swiney Interview

Sherry Swiney talks about the Intrusive Thoughts which are created by what she calls “Dark Entities.” The persistent negative thoughts in one’s head in one’s own “thought voice” do not come from the individual. They come from these Dark Entities who strive to create chaos, disruption and misery in the lives of Humans. […]

Alien & UFO Sightings

Craig Bowers Interview

Craig Bowers, a long time colleague of James Bartley and veteran of many UFO field investigations in the Southwest Desert of the USA, talks about some of his many experiences including parallel reality “bleedthrough” experiences involving a race of grey skinned jagged tooth beings that for a time would interfere in his life and his friends life. […]


James Bartley on the Esoteric Messiahs

James Bartley talks about the “Esoteric Messiah/Esoteric Evangelicals.” These are people in the UFO/Esoteric/Truth community who use a lot of esoteric jargon sprinkled with hot button topics such as aliens, A.I.,The Matrix etc who are going around malignly influencing people through an endless barrage of talking points. These Esoteric Evangelicals are a walking talking infomercial. The idea is to convert people to their way of thinking. […]


James Bartley Commentary 50

James Bartley discusses the Media and Authorities “gaslighting” society when it tries to make us think there is no Immigrant Crime Wave even though the proof is all around us. James also talks about “self loathing” Germans and the amazing double standard when it comes to immigration. […]


Max Igan Interview – The Smart Grid

Max Igan discusses the impending Smart Grid System which will be all encompassing and in Max’s view is the real New World Order. The 5G network will power this Smart Grid System. Max talks about what happens when people are locked out of the Smart Grid system. Max talks about how people have lost or never developed “Life Skills.” […]


Eve Lorgen Interview

The New Predator is a Guru type figure who manifest an extraordinary degree of control over individuals and groups of people. Eve Lorgen talks about the Heavy Metal Toxicity, Black Goo, Mind Control and a variety of other issues. […]