
Coronavirus Commentary

James Bartley discusses the Mega Over-Reaction to the alleged Coronavirus, the Shelter in Place in San Francisco, the shutdown of activity in Las Vegas and many other places. “Self Isolation,” “Social Distancing” and other measures are being enacted to ensure people mistrust one another. The Artificial Scarcity Sydnrome has been unleashed which has resulted in mass panic buying. […]


Lea Kapiteli Life & Death in Atlantis

Lea Kapiteli returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to discuss her incarnation on
Atlantis during which Atlantean civilization corrupted from within and eventually was destroyed due to misuse of crystal power. Lea talks about life as a second class “Mundane” who had little or no psychic ability. She talks about the difficulties she had with her powerful matriarch mother and her sibling rivalry with her very psychic half sister. […]


New Decade Commentary

James Bartley discusses the role of Cybereason, an Israeli Tech Company made up mostly of “ex” Unit 8200, the elite Israeli Military Intelligence Cyber Hacking unit which has been likened to the Israeli version of […]


Toxic Feminism & Divine Goddess Programming

Laura Matsue, Eve Lorgen, Kelsea Rai, Mary Anne Fisher and James Bartley discuss the Toxic Feminine and Divine Goddess Programming. The history of the Feminist Movement is discussed as well as the various subtle and overt aspects of Divine Goddess Programming. There is a karmic aspect to Divine Goddess Programming.
This is a fascinating and thought provoking discussion from women who are leaders in the field of investigations into hyperdimensional interference. […]


Gary Heseltine Caple Green

Gary Heseltine returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to discuss the upcoming documentary about the Rendlesham Forest events also known as Bentwaters. This documentary will highlight Larry Warren’s role in the fourth night of events as well as the testimony of new witnesses who have come forward. The trolls and disinformation artists are foaming at the mouth but they cannot stop “Caple Green Rising.” […]

Hearing Voices

Jerry Marzinsky Emmanuel Swedenborg

Jerry Marzinsky returns to The Cosmic Switchboard to discuss the work of Christian Mystic Emmanuel Swedenborg and how the latters work dovetails into his work today with people hearing voices and under malign spiritual influence. Jerry also talks about the new book he is working on with Sherry Swiney who has also been interviewed on The Cosmic Switchboard Show. […]


Brendan Murphy Human Potential

Brendan D. Murphy returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to discuss the state of Human Evolution and how certain children seem to be born with innate metaphysical gifts and in some cases an awareness of prior incarnations even on other planets and worlds. This despite the fact that so many people are still afflicted with the Matrix Blue Pill Addiction. […]