James talks about training in James Bartley discusses the training reptilians give to human abductees. James Bartley also talks about the militarisation of Law Enforcement, the bogus War on Drugs, the expansion of NATO, the cross training of National Guard troops with Foreign Troops in Crowd Control and quelling Food Riots, the Immigration Agenda and how it all ties into the training of abductees by reptilians. Its where the surface level world meets with the deep black alien world. Matt R. has had reptilian experiences. He has been trained by reptilians in crowd control and riot control in a shopping mall in Louisiana. […]
Thank you, James and Fringe
A deep and very meaningful discussion. This is very helpful for people who have been in the ‘programs’ and other abductions throughout life. Many of the questions asked (personal introspection) we have asked ourselves. Hearing these discussions is very healing on many levels! Thanks for all your dedicated work!
just to say the download links for the audio is not there 🙂 but good interview thank you!