About the Event
The Reptilian Overlordship and Military Subservience to the Reptilians
The Subject of James Bartley’s Lecture is The Reptilian Overlordship and Military Subservience to the Reptilians. This will be a comprehensive Power Point Presentation intended to bring people up to date as far as the reptilian control of this planet is concerned.
Date and time
Saturday July 30th 2022
12:30PM to 3:30PM
The Beacon Center
4505 West Hacienda Ave Ste G2 Las Vegas Nevada 89118
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Admission is $30 per Attendee.
Livestream Feed is $7 (includes a One Month Membership to The Cosmic Switchboard=.
*Attendance is limited to the first fifty people.
Meet the speaker
“Meet the Speaker” Dinner at a nearby restaurant after the lecture.
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