Ideological Warfare: Subjugation & Takeover of the West – Dan Armstrong Interview with James Bartley

Dan is a life long experiencer who has had ET, Milab and Alternate Reality Experiences. He is also a keen student of history and has studied Political Science. He has lived and travelled extensively in the Far East, Mexico and Europe.
Dan Armstrong returns to The Cosmic Switchboard to talk about the CCP, Social Engineering and the ideological takeover of the West thus paving the way for complete annihilation and subjugation.
In Part 2 Dan Armstrong discusses the Housing Market, Childcare Stipends given to immigrants with multiple children who use the payments to pay mortgages, the declining birth rate of the West vis a vis the ever-increasing birth rate of immigrants and the basis of an alien control system using Admiralty Law, Banking, Ideology, A.I. and much more.


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1 Comment

  1. Thank you Dan and James for this conversation. Both of you are very versed in so many areas. It’s awe inspiring how we have spiraled down so rapidly. I would be interested in hearing more of what you see for our future, more of the same or the slaves breaking free and changing the world?

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