Alien Hybridization, Pole Shifts & Future Dates – Fringe Interview with James Bartley

Fringe, a former Law Enforcement Officer (LEO)for almost twenty years, is a lifelong Alien Abductee. Her husband is also a retired LEO who served for thirty years in Law Enforcement and is also an Alien Abductee.
Fringe returns to The Cosmic Switchboard to talk about Future Dates, Pole shifts, Solar Flares and the Alien Hybridization Agenda.
In Part 2 Fringe discusses Alien Mass Mind Control and the New Age Agenda.
Fringe’s Twitter: Fringe Think

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1 Comment

  1. Fringe and James never fail to bring us into much deeper realms of thought and understanding. Posing very astute questions for each of us to consider personally. Blowing our minds wide open and fracturing paradigms we didn’t know we held. I am a long time abductee and researcher and I am not ashamed to admit that I’ve learned so much today that I will be ‘self examining’ for quite some time to come. Thank you both for bringing TRUTH to a world so badly in need of it!

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