Logan, Milab and Alternate Reality Jumper discusses the ways and means the milab controllers try to scramble or erase memories of milab ops. Logan talks about Frequency Modulation and Weather Manipulation as well as it relates to the erasure of memories of Milab Ops.
Randy Maugans is a long time radio talk show host, producer, and writer, working in the fields of religion, politics, and the paranormal. Randy has an interest in the esoteric, paranormal and occult stems from […]
James and his guests talk about milabs, alternate realities, and the experiences of individuals who have undergone abductions and mind control. They explore the implications of genetic compatibility, the influence of dark forces, and the […]
Carissa Conti, Writer and experiencer of unusual phenomena, talks about her latest article “Conspiracies in the Workplace: A Microcosm of the Greater World “Matrix.” We have all experienced Archontic – Demiurge inspired drama at the […]
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