Tom Montalk is the author of “Fringe Knowledge For Beginners,” “Discerning Alien Disinformation,” and “Transcending The Matrix Control System Volumes I and II.” Tom’s work is a “Must Read” for those struggling to understand the true nature of Reality, Alien and Occultic Entity Interference, Metaphysics and Hidden Secret Science.
In what is destined to become an instant Classic, Tom Montalk returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to discuss the Principles of Military Strategy and Tactics as it applies to Spiritual Warfare and Spiritual Protection. Tom has studied Sun Tzu, Von Clausewitz and other strategists and theorists in the Military Art of War and has applied their principles to spiritual warfare both from an offensive and a defensive standpoint. Tom talks about “The Synchronicity of Protection.”
In Part 2 Tom Montalk Current Trends and Future Implications relative to global cataclysms, ET strategies and Timelines and Time Travel.
Growing up in Munich, Germany, Bernhard moved to California in 1994 to study drums and percussion at the ‘Percussion Institute of Technology’ (PIT), Los Angeles. His exploration into rhythm and music became a journey of self-discovery and […]
David Case is an Electronic Engineer. He developed a Computer that runs on Photonic Energy. When he tried to patent it, he soon began to receive loud tinnitus and ringing in his ears. David eventually […]
Jim relates a fascinating discussion he had with Ben Rich shortly before Ben Rich died. Jim Goodall knew Bob Lazar personally in fact Jim knew Bob Lazar BEFORE Lazar joined the alien propulsion back engineering program at Papoose Lake/S4 […]
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Tom’s words ring true. James is right that Montalk is a legend. Kudos gentlemen. :PS
There is wisdom in this interview. The nine war strategies shared by Tom are profound.
I have also found from experience that negative entities take notes over long periods of time, depending on whether or not a target is worth their time. Not all people are profitable investments of time and effort, from the point of view odmf a negative. We also find that they collaborate with each other, sometimes over long distances, to coordinate an attack.
Tom’s words ring true. James is right that Montalk is a legend. Kudos gentlemen. :PS
There is wisdom in this interview. The nine war strategies shared by Tom are profound.
I have also found from experience that negative entities take notes over long periods of time, depending on whether or not a target is worth their time. Not all people are profitable investments of time and effort, from the point of view odmf a negative. We also find that they collaborate with each other, sometimes over long distances, to coordinate an attack.