Paul Sinclair returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to discuss the High Strangeness at Bempton Yorkshire. Strange Animal Deaths, Cryptids, UFO Sightings, Missing Persons and a Deep Black American Military Presence are part and parcel of what goes on in Bempton.
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James that was a significant interview to say the least. I was hoping to see if you could pass on a few questions to Mr Sinclair, maybe you are aware of the answers to:
1. Does Paul remember what colour/reflected colour the eyes that were staring at them were? I remember as a kid being able to tell what animals were by the highway at night when we were on long drives. There were camel, donkeys, sheep, fox, goat, kangaroo. They all had their distinct colours.
2. Does he think that the muscular man might be connected to the woman in mustard that threatened him as a youth. It was in the werewolf interview. On the other hand for some odd reason when hearing that account, what came to mind was another interview you did with i think one of the dragon slayers, who had interacted with a subterranean species who were muscular and had very tanned skin. Can you recall that?
3. Does Paul encounter many owls? I recall that he did mention one back in the Flixton interview.
His previous and current experiences surely are high strangeness. That experience the farmer had with the stack of 30 sheep was very unnerving! And all the missing people smacks of the 4.11 work. It’s a tough tough undertaking and I’m proud of people such as Paul Sinclair who really do stand in the breach. All the best to him and his family and friends.