Jordan Maxwell talks about the nature of control here on Planet Earth. In response to a question about covert non-human control Jordan discusses the ways and means in which humans are essentially tagged from birth and turned into a corporate entity by this Matrix of Control. Note the similarity to the late great Charles Fort’s summation that Humans are unaware they are being farmed and domesticated.
Dan is a life long experiencer who has had ET, Milab and Alternate Reality Experiences. He is also a keen student of history and has studied Political Science. He has lived and travelled extensively in […]
Carissa Conti, Writer and experiencer of unusual phenomena, talks about her latest article “Conspiracies in the Workplace: A Microcosm of the Greater World “Matrix.” We have all experienced Archontic – Demiurge inspired drama at the […]
Ryan Phillips is an Alien Abductee from the U.K. Ryan has had a lifetimes worth of unusual experiences including Missing Time Experiences and Astral Abductions. Ryan shares some of paranormal experiences he’s had and his Thoughts on this global control system. […]
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