James Bartley has researched Alien Abductions, Reptilian Abductions and Military Abductions for over twenty five years.
James Bartley discusses the alleged Marine Corps attack on the CIA Headquarters of Langley. He also talks about the potential for a false flag or sabotage to be used as a pretext for war with Iran and the vulnerability of the U.S. Carrier Battle Groups in the Persian Gulf. James also talks about the Archontic Overlay behind the Transgender, A.I. and Depopulation Agenda which David Icke recently spoke about.
Dan is a life long experiencer who has had ET, Milab and Alternate Reality Experiences. He is also a keen student of history and has studied Political Science. He has lived and travelled extensively in […]
James Bartley discusses the Mega Over-Reaction to the alleged Coronavirus, the Shelter in Place in San Francisco, the shutdown of activity in Las Vegas and many other places. “Self Isolation,” “Social Distancing” and other measures are being enacted to ensure people mistrust one another. The Artificial Scarcity Sydnrome has been unleashed which has resulted in mass panic buying. […]
Eve Lorgen of evelorgen.com and alienlovebite.com returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to talk about a recent article by her colleague Maarit, a Female Milab from Scandinavia. Eve discusses the “Natural Original Awareness” versus the Demiurge A.I. in Maarit’s article. In Part 2 Eve Lorgen discusses more aspects of the Demiurge A.I. Control System as wellas The Alien Love Bite/Drama of the Love Obsession. […]
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