Growing up in Munich, Germany, Bernhard moved to California in 1994 to study drums and percussion at the ‘Percussion Institute of Technology’ (PIT), Los Angeles. His exploration into rhythm and music became a journey of self-discovery and healing which lead him to bodywork and the Healing Arts.
Being very emotionally sensitive and battling depression throughout his early life, Bernhard faced his shadow and fears. His personal healing process also inspired him to explore the mysteries and hidden knowledge surrounding our planet and humanity’s origins, questioning the roots of what constitutes “reality”, and how social (and spiritual) conditioning impacts upon our collective and individual search for truth, fulfillment and happiness in all aspects of life.
In Part 1 Bernhard Guenther talks about Guilt, Shame and Fear programming, the importance of stepping into one’s own vulnerability, and staying embodied as necessary prerequisites to healing. Bernhard also talks about Hyperdimensional Interference.
In Part 2 Bernhard Guenther talks about the Dark Side of Shamanism, Drumming and Sound Healing, and coming to grips with the subject of Aliens and Hyperdimensional manifestations and interference both on an individual level and a societal level.
Bernhard Guenther’s Websites: bernhardguenther.com, Veil of Reality
Bernhard Guenther’s Youtube Channel: Time of Transition
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Part 2 – Members Only:
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Amazing interviews!!! It underscored EVERYTHING I’ve been learning the last couple of months; it was a perfect validation of how everything is unfolding for me exactly as it needs to be ?
James ;
I can familiarize myself with some of Bernhards Guenthers experiences in relation to Spiritual growing pains , however ., I must disagree adamantly to his indecorous comments implying that the intake of Ayahausca be or should be in-considerate as a tool to better health and wellbeingness, not to mention Spiritual Spiralling as heightened awareness . Why did he not speak about the sacredness of the plant and the reaping benefits overall as it offers to many who come to the SPIRIT of the 13 various plants that decorates the powers and the spiritual elements of the Sacred Ayahausca ? Instead ., the unfavorabilities is mentioned here as if to say one uncomfortable experience should have others in serious contemplation in even considering the possibility of its inception into ones field . We all know that excistence is a state of mind and to whatever affiliates it , we encounter it with imagination , thought first and then action . What I am saying here is that proper and adequate MINDSET and body wear is necessary to approach the Ayahausca brew with total respect and the overwhelming consideration or intention to BE HEALED and CLEANSED . I went into this interdimensional healing / purification process with CEREMONIAL intention ( as it totally was ) rather than for recreational reasons . I have had 10 Ayahausca ceremonies performed on me and let me say , my life has totally and remarkably changed …, for the better! During some of the ceremonies , few very young adults had come to ornament their experience with Ayahausca as a form of ” peddling boasting rights ” to others as a means of envious identification . And yes , there are a few bad apples that taint the rest of the barrel but that does not mean to say that the whole barrel of apples are now unattainable to devour . And when you devour the GOOD apples rather than the TAINTED ones , positive results will come from the consumption , as the case with me . Simple mathamatics here . The intake of Ayahausca is no JOKE . Your HEART must be in the right place . Your intentions must be pure and simple . Things are at their BEST with SIMPLICITY . When one can connect with ones true self , the Sacred Ayahausca can not only augment the connection even more but it also does remarkably heal , cleanses and purifies your ” framework ” It really is something out of this world !
Hi James, a bit late since I just saw your comment, however it would help if you’d read my article where I go deeper in the topic of ayahuasca and medicine plants, shamanism, psychedelics, etc., where I mention the benefits as well (and have experienced myself over the past 20 years, having been in Peru 8 times in the past 11 years working with indigenous shamans). I’m not the one to throw out the baby with the bathwater when it comes to these “power plants” , which will be clear if you read the article. (However the “dark side” and pitfalls cannot be underrated…..”pure and simple intention” and a “heart in the right place” are not enough and are very vague New Age type statement to begin with, speaking out of experience).
What a fantastic interview! I can personally relate to so much of what Bernhard talks about here ( I often experience “love bite” situations, negative thought loops and mind chatter, and even had to deactivate my Facebook page recently because I was so “head-centered” and wasn’t connected to my body or grounded. I was so involved with what was happening on Facebook and with my Facebook friends, that I wasn’t doing the work that I needed to do on myself. The real shocker came when I realized that I actually had only 2 friends that physically live here in the town where I live, because I had stopped socializing and making friends in my own community–and I felt sad about that. I truly missed being able to see my friends in person–or even to hear the warmth of their voice on the phone as we spoke and laughed with each other– and spend time with them and make face to face and heart to heart connections with them. Yet, I had almost 100 Facebook friends). Also, this interview left me feeling so empowered knowing that, even though I have a long way to go in my spiritual evolution and personal healing process–I can see that I am already making lots of positive progress. Sometimes I take one step forward and two steps backward…..but I’m definitely on my way. Thank you so much Bernhard and James!